Welcome to Michito Tsuruoka's blog. This space is mainly used to announce my new publications.



12月4日(金)にBSフジの「プライムニュース」に出演し、パリ連続テロ事件を受けた欧州情勢についてお話しました。主要部分の抜粋のテキストが番組のサイトに掲載されています。特集は、「場外乱闘 露VSトルコ 対『イスラム国』暗雲」という、何とも刺激的なタイトルでして、前外務副大臣の城内実衆議院議員、同志社大学教授の内藤正典先生とご一緒させていただきました。









序章 戦後国際政治史の新しい視角(細谷雄一)
第1章 西側同盟のグローバル化
第2章 フランスと東アジア、1945-1951年
第3章 イギリスと東アジア、1945-1948年
第4章 コモンウェルスの絆
第5章 帝国の終焉と同盟の解体
第6章 イギリスの核不拡散政策とインド、1964-1968年(小林弘幸)
第7章 「一つの中国」と東西ドイツ
第8章 東西ドイツ関係と日本――1966-1981年(鈴木均)
第9章 似て非なる関係
第10章 地域間関係の制度化
第11章 冷戦と日欧政治・安全保障関係(鶴岡路人)




鶴岡路人「ヨーロッパへどのように発信するか―-パブリック・ディプロマシーの方策と課題」『EUSI Commentary』第62号(2015年10月26日)がEUSI東京のサイトで公開されました。

URL: http://eusi.jp/mail-magazine/commentary/commentary_062/
URL (PDF): http://eusi.jp/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/EUSI-Commentary-vol62.pdf







序章  日本と英国―戦略的関係のためのアジェンダ (ジョナサン・アイル)
第1章  安倍政権下の日本の防衛・戦略態勢 (佐竹 知彦)
第2章  アジア太平洋地域における英国の安全保障政策(エドワード・シュワーク)
第3章  アジアと欧州の海洋安全保障 (ピーター・ロバーツ)
第4章  アジアおよび世界における日本の防衛外交 (鶴岡 路人)
第5章  アフリカの平和・安定に向けた日英協力 (神宮司 覚)
第6章  日英防衛装備協力の展望 (トレバー・テイラー)
終章  日英協力の課題と行方 (鶴岡 路人)

A Japanese version of the RUSI-NIDS joint publication on the UK-Japan defence and security relationship is now available at the NIDS website here. An English version was published by RUSI in August 2015 and available at the RUSI website here.


Partners for Global Security (RUSI-NIDS joint research publication)

Jonathan Eyal, Michito Tsuruoka and Edward Schwarck (eds.), Partners for Global Security: New Directions for the UK-Japan Defence and Security Relationship, Whitehall Report, 3-15 (London: RUSI, 2015) is now available at the RUSI website.

This is a result of a joint research project between the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) in London and the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS) in Tokyo. I co-edited this with RUSI's Jonathan Eyal and Edward Schwarck. Seven researchers from the two institutes contributed to this volume as the following.

Introduction: Japan and the UK - An Agenda for a Strategic Partnership
  Jonathan Eyal
Chapter 1: Japan's Defence and Strategic Posture under the Abe Administration
  Tomohiko Satake
Chapter 2: Understanding the UK's Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific
  Edward Schwarck
Chapter 3: Maritime Security in Asia and Europe
  Peter Roberts
Chapter 4: Japan's Defence Diplomacy in Asia and Beyond
  Michito Tsuruoka
Chapter 5: Japan-UK Cooperation in Peace and Stability in Africa
  Akira W Jingushi
Chapter 6: The Prospects for Japan-UK Collaboration in Defence Equipment
  Trevor Taylor
Chapter 7: Conclusion - Challenges and the Way Ahead
  Michito Tsuruoka

RUSI page:
PDF link:





鶴岡路人「静かに進展する日欧安全保障・防衛協力」『EU MAG』(2015年7月27日)がウェブにアップされました。『EU MAG』は、駐日欧州連合代表部の公式ウェブマガジンでして、「ニュースの背景」というコーナーでの掲載です。





EUSI Symposium on EU-Japan Relations, Keio University, 27 June

The European Union Studies Institute (EUSI) Tokyo is to host an international symposium on EU-Japan relations on Saturday, 27 June at Keio University (Mita Campus). I will be speaking on the 'China factor' in Europe-Japan relations. Other speakers are Axel Berkofsky, Paul Midford, Akira Muto, Julie Gilson and Alexander McLachlan. No registration is needed. Look forward to seeing you there.



Routledge Handbook of Nuclear Proliferation and Policy

I have contributed a chapter 'Nuclear Proliferation, Deterrence and Strategic Stability in East Asia: The United States, China and Japan in a Changing Strategic Landscape' to Routledge Handbook of Nuclear Proliferation and Policy (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015), edited by Joseph Pilat and Nathan Busch.

My chapter is mainly about extended deterrence between the US and Japan, strategic stability between the US and China and their interaction. Other contributors include Michael Nacht, Michael Ruehle, Steven Pifer and Tatsujiro Suzuki among others.

You can preview the book at Google Books:

Publisher's website:

Joseph Pilat and Nathan Busch (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Nuclear Proliferation and Policy (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015)に、「東アジアにおける核拡散、抑止、戦略的――変化する戦略環境のなかの米国、中国、日本」というチャプターを寄稿いたしました。主に、日米間の拡大抑止、米中間の戦略的安定、そしてその両者の関係を検討しています。

ハードカバーのみで、価格も図書館仕様ですが、Google Booksでプレビューできます。





現GMF会長でオバマ政権の欧州担当大統領特別補佐官・NSC欧州担当上級部長等を務めたKaren Donfriedさんをメインスピーカーに、同じくGMFのDan Twiningさん、東京財団の畔蒜さんと私がパネリストを務めました。司会は東京財団の渡部さんです。(ビデオの音声は会場でのオリジナル音声ですので、英語と日本語が混合しています。)






2014年9月の英ウェールズでのNATO首脳会合で合意された「即応性行動計画(Readiness Action Plan: RAP)」、そしてそのなかの目玉である「高度即応統合任務部隊(Very High Readiness Joint Task Force: VJTF)」を中心に、集団防衛の課題、即応性やハイブリッド戦争に関して求められているもの等を考えてみました。







Video Interview on the Japan-EU Strategic Partnership (Center for European Studies, Carleton University)

My video interview on the Japan-EU strategic partnership is available here (YouTube). I did it during the workshop 'Strategic Partnership as an Instrument of EU Foreign Policy', hosted by the Center for European Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada in April 2015.

Workshop info: https://carleton.ca/ces/cu-events/workshop-strategic-partnership-instrument-eu-foreign-policy/


Mutual Support and Common Interests in Asia and European Neighborhoods

Michito Tsuruoka, 'Mutual Support and Common Interests in Asia and European Neighborhoods', Policy Brief (Washington, DC: German Marshall Fund of the United States, April 2015) has just been published and is available at the GMF website here.

Link: http://www.gmfus.org/publications/mutual-support-and-common-interests-asia-and-european-neighborhoods

It looks at security linkages between Europe and Japan particularly in the wake of the Ukraine crisis. The degree of interconnectedness between the two regions is increasing, but is Europe too busy in dealing with its own neighbourhood? Europe-Japan/Asia security cooperation has already become a strategic imperative.


Asian Countries' Strategies towards the EU (NTU Press)

Hungdah Su ed., Asian Countries' Strategies towards the European Union in an Inter-regionalist Context (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2015) has been published.

I contributed a chapter on Japan-EU relations - other contributors include Lay Hwee Yeo (on ASEAN), Rajandra Jain (on India) and Wai Ting (on China) among others.

NTUP: http://eng.press.ntu.edu.tw/?act=book&refer=ntup_book00766



GMF Video Interview on Common Security Challenges Facing Japan and Europe

My GMF video interview on common security challenges facing Japan and Europe is now available (GMF website and YouTube). I gave this interview during the Japan Trilateral Forum, Brussels in January 2015.

2015年1月にブリュッセルで開催のGMFのJapan Trilateral Forumで収録したビデオインタビューです。欧州とアジアに共通する挑戦としての「力による現状変更」や、アジアにおける欧州の役割への期待についてコメントしました。


Japan's Global Diplomacy (Stimson Center publication)

Yuki Tatsumi (ed.), Japan's Global Diplomacy (Washington, DC: Stimson Center, March 2015) has just been released and is now available at Stimson's website.

It looks at Japan's various bilateral political and security partnerships beyond its immediate neighbourhood. I contributed a chapter on Japan-Europe relations and other authors on Australia (Tomohiko Satake), India (Takaaki Asano) and Russia (Yoko Hirose).

Link to PDF: http://www.stimson.org/books-reports/japans-global-diplomacy/

On the occasion of the release of the publication, the Stimson Center hosted a seminar on 10 March, in which all the four authors participated.

Video of the event: https://vimeo.com/121936190







GMF Podcast interview on NATO-Japan Relations

My podcast interview on NATO-Japan relations is now at GMF's website. It is part of a podcast series on NATO World Views by GMF and the US Mission to NATO.


GMFと米NATO代表部によるNATO World Viewsというオーディオ・インタビューのシリーズの一環で、日NATO関係についてのインタビューに答えたものがGMFのサイトに掲載されました。今年1月にブリュッセルで開かれたJapan Trilateral Forum, Brusselsの際に収録したものです。


Stimson Center Event: Japan's Global Diplomacy (10 March 2015 in DC)

I will be speaking at a launching event for the new Stimson Center publication 'Japan's Global Diplomacy' on 10 March 2015 from 14.00 to 16.00. See below for details.

I have contributed a chapter on Japan-Europe relations. Other participants include Takaaki Asano (India), Tomohiko Satake (Australia) and Yoko Hirose (Russia). The event will be moderated by Yuki Tatsumi and Ben Self as a discussant.

Details about the project can be found here.

Japan’s Global Diplomacy: Views From The Next Generation

DATETuesday, March 10, 2015
TIME2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
LOCATION1211 Connecticut Ave NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC

Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The Stimson Center's latest publication Japan's Global Diplomacy offers a collection of policy briefs identifying key relationships that have emerged under Prime Minister Abe's "diplomacy that takes a panoramic view of the world map" (chikyuugi wo fukan suru gaiko) initiative. The briefs have been written by Japanese leading experts, who have each examined Japan's relations with India, Russia, Australia, and Europe while addressing Japan's national interests and policy goals, the background and context of each relationship, the challenges and obstacles to Japan's policy goals, prospects for US-Japan engagement and policy recommendations for issue areas.  
WHAT: The release of a new report and presentation on Japan's global diplomacy with leading, next-generation experts. Copies of the report will be available. 
WHERE: **Please note our new address** The Stimson Center, 1211 Connecticut Ave NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC
WHENTuesday, March 10, 2015, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
FOLLOW@Stimson_EAsia and @StimsonCenter on Twitter for event news. Use #StimsonToday to join the conversation. 


East-West Center Event: The Ukraine Crisis and Japan's Russia Challenge (9 March 2015 in DC)

I will be speaking on the impact of the Ukraine crisis on Japan at East-West Center in DC on 9 March 2015. It is open to the public and see below for details.

Where: 1819 L Street, NW, Washington, DC, Sixth Floor Conference Room
When: Monday, March 9, 2015 - 12:30 until Monday, March 9, 2015 - 13:30
The Ukraine Crisis and Japan’s Russia Challenge
An Asia Pacific Foreign Policy and Defense Seminar featuring:
Dr. Michito Tsuruoka 
Senior Research Fellow
National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Japan

Japanese President Shinzo Abe and Russian President Valdimir Putin have enjoyed a relatively cordial relationship despite Japan and Russia's historical territorial disputes.
The crisis in Ukraine – Russia’s annexation of the Crimea and its intervention in Eastern Ukraine – has had global implications. Resisting any attempt to change the status quo by force or coercion used to be a challenge mainly in East Asia. However, in the wake of the Ukraine crisis, Europe and Japan (and Asia as a whole) are now facing in common the same challenge. Still, the question of how to manage the relationship with Russia remains tricky for Tokyo, particularly in the context of the territorial dispute and peace treaty negotiations between the two countries and the rise of China. The Shinzo Abe government invested a lot in cultivating relations with Moscow – or with Putin personally. It is, therefore, not surprising that Japan has often been seen as among the most reluctant of G7 members along with Germany regarding economic sanctions on Russia, while firmly committed to the process of G7 coordination. Japan, in short, faces its own Russia challenge in the wake of the Ukraine crisis.
Dr. Michito Tsuruoka will discuss what considerations and calculations have been at work behind Japan’s response to the crisis in Ukraine. It is much more than just about the bilateral relationship between Japan and Russia. He will also examine (alleged) extended deterrence implications as well as concerns about “hybrid warfare.”
Monday, March 9
12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.
A light luncheon will be served.
This event will be off-the-record.
To RSVP, please click here: www.eastwestcenter.org/Zk4 
Kindly send your reply by March 6.
East-West Center in Washington
1819 L St, NW, Washington, DC. Sixth Floor Conference Room
This event is free and open to the public.


RUSI Event: Japan's Expanding Security Partnerships (24 February 2015 in London)

Open seminar at RUSI, London on Tuesday, 24 February. If you happen to be in London and are interested in joining us, please contact me.

Japan's Expanding Security Partnerships
Japan is seeking to expand its political, security and defence partnerships in Asia and beyond. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, since taking power in December 2012, has been exceptionally active in summit diplomacy, establishing security and defence cooperation with an increasing number of countries. The UK and Japan have recently held the first-ever "2+2" ministerial meeting, bringing together both Foreign and Defence Ministers, in London, in another sign of strengthening Anglo-Japanese security and defence ties.
This event will explore the broad picture of what Tokyo is now trying to do in terms of security and defence cooperation with other countries and put relations with Europe in context. Speakers will also examine the development of Japan-Australia and Japan-Australia-US cooperation in security and defence. As the UK increases its interest in Asia, Australia is likely to be a place where the UK and Japan as well as the United States meet for exchange and exercises.
Date/Time: Tuesday, 24 February from 10h00 to 12h00
Venue: RUSI, 61 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2ET
Dr Michito Tsuruoka, Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Japan
Dr Tomohiko Satake, Research Fellow, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Japan
Speakers' bio:
Michito Tsuruoka studied politics and international relations at Keio University and Georgetown University and received a PhD in War Studies from King's College London. Before joining NIDS in 2009, he served as a Special Adviser for NATO at the Japanese Embassy in Belgium (2005-08). Dr Tsuruoka was seconded to the Ministry of Defense from 2012 to 2013 as a Deputy Director at the International Policy Division in charge of multilateral frameworks in the Asia-Pacific region, most notably the ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus). He was a Visiting Fellow at RUSI from May 2013 to March 2014. Dr Tsuruoka has published mainly on European security, Europe-Japan/Asia relations and nuclear policy.
Tomohiko Satake studied politics and international relations at Keio University and received a PhD in International Relations from the Australian National University (ANU). He joined NIDS in 2010 and was seconded to the Ministry of Defense from 2013 to 2014 as a Deputy Director at the International Policy Division in charge of multilateral frameworks in the Asia-Pacific region, most notably the ADMM-Plus. Dr Satake has published widely on alliance politics, Australia, Japan-Australia relations and Japan-US and Japan-US-Australia security relations. He will be a Visiting Fellow for one year at ANU beginning in March 2015.